The Faculty of Social Sciences’ Regulations

Application of the By-Laws and Curricula

The Regulations of the Faculty of Social Sciences have been prescribed by the Faculty Council, and are subject to the University’s By-laws.

Application of the Regulations

  1. The Regulations applicable to the student, are those published in the current year book newsletter and in addition, the Regulations published in notices and circulars.
  2. New Regulations apply to all students, regardless of the year they began to study, unless otherwise stated therein.
  3. In addition to the Faculty Regulations, every student is subject to the rules of the department in which he studies.
  4. The Regulations apply to all students who attend courses at the faculty, including students from other faculties.
  5. The department’s advisor and the teaching committee are the bodies authorised to approve deviations from the Regulations.

Application of Curricula

  1. The curriculum to which the student is subject, is the one published in the course booklet of the year in which he began his course of studies.
  2. A student who switches his major, is subject to the curriculum of the year in which he changed his major (and not that of the year in which he began studying at the faculty or university).


Length of Studies

  1. Studying for a bachelor’s degree takes three years (at least six semesters). A student will be permitted to extend the length of his / her studies by an additional year, with the consent of the department / school. In exceptional cases, it will be possible to receive, at most, one additional extension year, with the consent of the faculty teaching committee. The application must be submitted via the “Application to the Teaching Committee” form on the Faculty's website.
  2. Studying for a master’s degree takes two years. When studying in a course requiring submission of a thesis, the duration of studies can be extended by one year, with the consent of the department / school, and in exceptional cases by an additional year, with the consent of the faculty teaching committee. In a non-thesis track, the duration of studies can only be extended by one year. Extension of the length of studies is subject to approval by the faculty teaching committee. The application must be submitted on the “Application to the Teaching Committee” form on the faculty website. For each year of extension, beyond the standard length, “extended study tuition fees” will be charged, in addition to the tuition fee, in accordance with the tuition fees regulations. Students in the thesis track, must submit a thesis proposal by the end of their second year of study, and secure the proposal’s approval (departments are authorised to set later dates). A student who fails to meet this requirement by the end of the third year, will be suspended.
  3. In some of the departments, you can choose the track of accumulative studies towards a master’s degree (with special status). This track can be participated in for up to 3 years. At least 25% of the degree requirements will be considered “full-time” for a master’s degree. It is not possible to start studying for a master’s degree “full time” and later to change to any other degree of studies.
    Details in the University Introduction.
  4. A student who fails to complete the entire program of studies for a first or second degree on time, will not be entitled to continue his studies, unless approved by the teaching committee. Approval will be granted only in exceptional cases and the student will be required to refresh courses.


Recognition of Previous Academic Studies (from Tel Aviv University or from another institution)


The application form for 'course recognition' - can be downloaded from the Faculty’s forms database, or obtained from the Faculty Secretariat (Room 311). The form, with the counsellors’ signatures and original certificates attached, must be returned to the Faculty Secretariat. Recognition of courses is valid only after approval by the student secretary and divisions. Students who wish to complete the process of course recognition before the beginning of the semester, must return the form to the Faculty Secretariat no later than one month prior to the beginning of that semester.



  1. A student who begins to study at the Faculty, for a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree, after having studied at a recognised university, must take with the entire curriculum just like any other student. Authority to recognise previous courses is in the hands of the department counsellors / professional coordinators. Each counsellor may approve exemption from courses within his / her filed (counsellor to the Political Science Department, political science courses, counsellor at the School of Economics, economics courses, etc.) The student must present the counsellor with an official grade transcript from the institution in which he studied, and the syllabus of the courses establishing the basis for the exemption. Courses taken at non-academic institutions, such as colleges, teacher-training colleges, pre-academic preparatory courses, etc. will not be recognised, unless recognised by the Faculty and the competent University organs.
  2. Minimum Study for an Academic Degree:
  • A student studying for an undergraduate degree must study at least one third of the department’s curriculum. This, provided that the student did not receive a degree for his previous studies. If the student receives an exemption exceeding 2/3 of the department’s curriculum, he / she will have to complete the study hours quota so that the total of his / her studies in the department at the Tel Aviv University will be at least one third of the quota required by the department. The department is authorised to stipulate that the student must take more than 1/3 of the curriculum, for example, in the School of Economics.
  • A student with a bachelor’s degree, who is taking one course in two different disciplinary programs (a post-degree course) or an additional bachelor’s degree in a single-disciplinary program, must study at least 3/4 of the department’s program. If the student receives an exemption of more than one-quarter of the department’s curriculum, he / she will have to complete the study hours quota so that the total hours taken at Tel Aviv University will amount to at least 3/4 of the quota required by the department. The student and division secretary is the authority to determine the quota required for completion.
  • A student studying for a master’s degree must study at least 2/3 of the department’s curriculum. If the student receives an exemption of more than one third of the department’s curriculum, he / she will have to complete the quota of hours of study, so that the total amount of hours he or she studies at the Tel Aviv University will be at least 2/3 of the quota required by the department. The student and division secretary is the authority to determine the quota required for completion.
  1. Courses with a final grade of less than 60 (the lowest pass grade at the Tel Aviv University) cannot be recognised, but departments have the authority to set a higher minimum.
  2. Grades from other institutions that served as a basis for granting an exemption will not be weighted in the final grade.
  3. Courses taught at the Tel Aviv University and recognised by the department’s counsellors as mandatory or elective courses – their grades will be weighted in the final grade, provided they were not weighted in the student’s credits.
  4. An exemption from an elective course cannot be obtained based on a course included in another component of the student’s curriculum.
  5. Each course can serve as a basis for exemption from one course only.


Courses Overlapping in Content

Overlapping courses are courses with the same or substantially similar content, that are provided in different credits (at the Faculty or outside of it).

A student, in the course of whose studies overlapping mandatory courses are included, must obtain an exemption from one of them, and complete the study hours in accordance with the requirements of his / her course of studies. The maximum exemption for overlapping mandatory courses is 4 semester hours per course, please refer to the “Exemptions and Supplements for Overlapping Mandatory Courses” at the departments.

The student will submit the request for an exemption based on an overlapping course to a faculty student and divisions secretary, only after receiving a grade in the course that constitutes the basis for the exemption.

If The student studied overlapping courses, only one of them will be considered for the final grade and the student will be required to complete the hours according to the minimum number of hours required in each department.


Fulfilling Course Obligations

  1. Attendance in classes and active participation
  • The attendance duty applies with respect to all classes, especially those that require active student participation, such as exercises, seminars, etc.
  • Registration of attendance follows the internal procedures of each credits. If the student is absent or fails to take an active part in a lesson that requires this, the teacher may report to the secretariat that the student is not eligible to take the exam. In such case, a grade of “Not Eligible to Take the Exam” will be reported (Code 240/340).
  1. Papers, Exercises, Etc.

A student must fulfil all tasks assigned during the course (submission of exercises and papers, participation in experiments, and other requirements imposed by the teacher) by the time prescribed by the teacher.

In any event, this date will not be later than the last day of the semester in which the student is enrolled in the course. (Except for with respect to seminar paper).

A student who fails to submit all the papers and exercises as determined by the teacher - will be reported as “Not Eligible to Take the Exam” (Code 240/340). This grade cannot be rectified.

Students who repeat a course, must fulfil all course duties anew, unless released from this requirement by the course teacher.

  1. Examination or Course Completion Paper

A choice of examination, examination taken at home, or submission of a paper, as an assignment to complete a course, is permissible only if it is offered by the teacher to all the students in the course.

  • For a course in which the final assignment is an examination: Receiving a positive grade in the course depends on receiving a positive grade in the exam, unless specified expressly otherwise. Failure to participate in the exam does not result in a fail grade being reported.
  • For a course in which the final assignment is an examination taken at home, the student must submit the examination at the time prescribed by the teacher.
  • For a course in which the final assignment is a paper (as opposed to a home exam), the date of submission will be up to one month from the end of the last lesson, unless an earlier date is set by the course teacher.

In this type of course there is no second test date . A student who fails to submit the paper on time will receive a “Did Not Fulfil the Course Obligations” grade (Code 250).

Schedule for Completion of Course / Workshop Final Papers:

Submission of final papers in the first semester of academic year 2020-2021 – By Sunday, February 28th, 2021.

Submission of final papers in the second semester of academic year 2020-2021 – By Sunday, August 1st, 2021.

Submission of final papers in the summer semester of academic year 2020-2021 – By Sunday, October 17th, 2021.

  1. Seminar Paper

Each student must submit an independent seminar paper. In no case can you submit a joint work with another student(s).

The date for submission of a seminar paper is set by the department / teacher (see the section “Regulations” in the department chapters).

In any event, the final date for submission of the paper in Year 2020-2021 will be (at the School of Economics, the dates are different, final dates for submission of papers at the School of Economics):

Seminars given in the first semester – Monday, April 26th 2021.

Seminars given in the second semester and annual seminars – Sunday, September 12, 2021.

Seminars given in the summer semester (in the extra-budgetary programs): Sunday, November 28th, 2021.

Students will submit the seminar papers to the department secretariat. Do not submit seminar papers directly to the teacher.

Students must keep a copy of the seminar paper they have submitted.

A student who does not submit a seminar paper by the prescribed date, will be reported as “Did Not Fulfil the Course Obligations” (Code 250).

Please note Regulation C in the Grades Section

  • The grades “Not Eligible to Sit the Exam” (Code 240/340) and “Did Not Fulfil the Course Obligations” (code 250) will be recorded in the transcript.
  • The university procedure for submission of papers is in the university general introduction chapter.



Sitting Exams



A student who has fulfilled all the academic requirements of the course and has paid tuition fees may sit the exam.



With respect to courses in which entitlement to sit the exam is conditional upon fulfilling academic duties, a student whose name is not included in the list of eligible students will be allowed to take the exam, but will undertake to apply to the secretariat within a week to clarify his entitlement to sit the exam.

A student as abovementioned who sat for the exam, but failed to arranged his entitlement within one week of the examination date will receive a grade of “Not Eligible to Sit the Exam” (Code 240) for the course.




A student must present at the entrance to the examination room:

Photo ID. A student who does not have an ID will not be allowed to take the exam.




About half an hour before the exam starts, the lists of examinees, including allocation into exam rooms, are posted on the bulletin boards on the entrance floor of the building.

The student will enter the examination room only according to this allocation. A student whose name does not appear in the lists (including a student who is attempting to improve his grades) will enter the appropriate examination room according to the room allocation.




The student must arrive at the examination room 15 minutes before it begins.




The student must obey the instructions of the supervisors.




A student who entered the examination room and decided not to take the exam, must remain in the examination room at least half an hour after the exam starts, and return the examination notebook and questionnaire. In this case, a “Fail” grade (0) will be reported.




During the examination, the examinee is strictly prohibited from leaving the examination room.




The examinee is prohibited from using various means of communication, electronic calculators, electronic dictionary and laptop computers (this prohibition also applies to tests with open materials).


Examination Dates The exam schedule for the current academic year is published in the “Examinations Schedule”, undergraduate degree, master’s degree

In the undergraduate and master's degrees, two examination dates (sittings) exist. The method of examination is uniform for both sittings. In no case can you sit more than twice on account of a single registration or more than four times per course for all his registrations.

In courses that do not repeat every semester, the second test date take place during the following semester.

In elective courses offered in the following semester by a different teacher, the second sitting usually takes place during the following semester. It is recommended that the student sit the exam on the first sitting: A student who failed to sit the exam on the first sitting or did so and is interested in improving his grade, is entitled to take the exam in the second sitting.

It is the student’s duty to monitor the publications on the Internet relating to the examination dates.

If the student decides to take the exam on the second test date due to failing at the first test date, or for any other reason, he must check whether the material studied in the semester in which he is about to be examined, is different from the material studied in the previous semester. The clarification will be done in coordination with the teacher. If changes to the emphases have been made, the student must update the material.



A student who failed to sit the exam during the first sitting, must take into account that if he cannot take the exam in the second sitting, for an unjustified reason according to the regulations as published in the newsletter, will be required to register for the course once again.

Additional examination date

The teaching committee is the only authority to approve an additional date. The application must be submitted to the department’s secretariat via the “Application to the Teaching Committee” form on the faculty website.

A discussion of applications for additional examination dates will take place only in the following cases:

  • A student who was not able to attend the exam (due to an overlapping exam in mandatory courses) or personal constraints (illness) that prevented him from taking the exam, on the first and second test dates, may apply to the Teaching Committee for an additional exam date, together with the suitable proofs.
  • A student who was unable to take a test due to active reserve duty. In this event, the University Rules apply (“Special Examination Dates / Arrangement for Reserve Duty Students”) and the rules presented below (“Exams for Reservists”).
  • A student who gave birth and due to the child birth was absent from the examinations that took place three weeks after child birth.
  • A student who has been absent for a period of up to two weeks owing to the death of a first-degree relative (parent, sibling, spouse, child).
  • A student who has been approved to sit on an additional date is under a duty to become updated on the exam material.


It is the student’s duty to monitor the publications on the Internet relating to the examination dates.



Examinations for reservists

This section is subject to the definitions that appear in the general University section “Special Examination Schedule for Students Undertaking Reserve Duty”. The forms that will be recognised as proof of reserve duty are Form 3021 or Form 3010 or Form 510, together with the summons. Students wishing to take the exam at the special date owing to reserve duty must obtain one of the abovementioned forms.




A student who is entitled to an additional / special time owing to reserve duty will submit the request to the secretariat of the department offering the course together with appropriate certification.




A student who is about to complete his / her studies but who failed to take the exam due to reserve duty at the end of his / her studies, and therefore has to extend them – is entitled to a special / additional date; the request must be submitted to the secretariat of the department / school.



A student who, due to reserve service, fails to take the exam in a course that is a pre-requisite for another course, will submit a request to the study unit’s counsellor to approve “conditional” studies in the advanced course. Studies in the advanced course will only be recognised after the student has taken the exam in the prerequisite course. The right to take the advanced “conditional” course is limited to one semester.



A student who, due to reserve service, is unable to attend two sittings of a course which constitutes a condition for passing, will contact the study unit counsellor. The counsellor is authorised to approve his / her participation in the advanced year courses for one semester only, if s/he meets the following conditions:




Completed all conditions for passing, with the exception of a single exam grade.




Is entitled to take the above exam, that is, fulfilled all the course requirements (see section: “Completing the Course Obligations” above).




Special Examination Procedures



Students suffering from functional disability

A student who wishes to obtain special arrangements in the examinations due to a functional or health problem that prevents normal functioning in the exam, will apply to the school / department secretary immediately at the beginning of his studies (if a student applies late it is not guaranteed that his / her application will be processed by the beginning of the examination dates). In the event of a medical problem, you must provide up-to-date medical certificates.



Learning Disabilities

In the event of learning disabilities, the student must undergo a diagnosis at the Center for Educational Counseling and Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities, at the University’s Dean of Students department. Even a student who has a diagnosis from an external institution (such as Nitzan) is required to apply to the Dean of Students at the University



New Immigrants

New immigrants are entitled to an additional half hour of time during an examination. A new immigrant is defined as someone who is in Israel for up to 7 years. Immigrant students who wish to receive additional time must bring a certificate indicating their date of immigration to Israel with them to the exam.




Publication of Grades

The exam scores are published on the Internet at “Personal Information for the Student”.

The student is responsible for checking his / her grades close in time to the date of their publication. The exam notebooks are kept for one semester only and are destroyed at the end of the semester following the exam date.


Score Improvement



A student who wishes to improve a positive grade will be able to do so within the framework of the available sitting, and the last score will be the final grade. Registration for the second sitting to improve grades is done online at “Personal Information for the Student”. A student seeks to improve grades after all the sittings available to him /her have passed, must re-register for the course and fulfil all the obligations in it. In this case, the student’s record will show both registrations for the course, even if he does not take the exam again. (See the department regulations).



It is not possible to improve an exam grade by submitting a paper.



It is not possible to improve a grade after obtaining a certificate of entitlement to a degree.


Final Grade in the Course

If the student takes more than one exam in the course, the last grade will be his / her final grade in the course.

If the student does not sit for any of the exam sittings open for him / her, a Grade 250 (Failed to Complete the Course Requirements) will be reported as the final grade.


Exam Notebook Scanning

You can browse the exam notebook except for confidential exams[1] via the “Personal Information for the Student” on the website.

For good scan quality, the test should be written in black or blue ink. Similarly, do not write on the marked margins of the exam notebook.



The maximum time for submission of an appeal from a final grade in a course will not exceed 5 days from the date of the grade’s publication (see the department’s regulations).

The appeal of a scanned examination will be submitted via the “Personal Information for the Student” website. An appeal with respect to a confidential exam (unscanned exam) will be submitted in writing to the appropriate secretariat (all-facultative courses are dealt with by the examination secretary – room 313).

A student who submitted an appeal and wishes to secure the possibility of re-studying the course in the following semester, must register for the course by the ordinary registration date. If the appeal is granted, the student will immediately cancel the course registration.


List of Grade Codes






Participated and Fulfilled his Duties






Did Not Fulfil his Obligations (Administratively)



Not Examined



Did Not Complete Course Obligations



Not Eligible to Sit the Exam



Examined, Grade Not Given Yet



Submitted a Paper, Grade Not Given Yet



Owes a Paper


[1] With respect to confidential exams, an explanation of the exam will be given in accordance with the department’s procedures.


Termination of Studies by the Faculty Due to Non-Compliance with Academic Requirements

  1. A student who failed to reach the “Exempt” level in English within one year of the commencement of his / her studies (new immigrants from countries that do not speak English within two years) is not entitled to continue his course of studies (Details in the section “General Duties” in the section “Undergraduate Studies”).
  2. A student with an overseas matriculation certificate who has not reached the “Exempt” level in Hebrew by the end of his first year of studies, is not eligible to continue studying.
  3. A student who has not completed his degree studies in the required period of time (3 years for a BA degree, 2 years for an MA degree) is not eligible to continue studying.
  4. A student who has exhausted the right to sit the exam four times, and whose final grade in a mandatory course is a Fail, is not eligible to continue studying in the department.
  5. A student who has not met all conditions for passing to the second year (as defined by his department of studies) within one year of starting his studies in the department (including periods of cessation of studies) is not eligible to continue studying.
  6. A student in a Single-Major course whose studies in the department were discontinued, ceases to be a student at the University, and is not allowed to continue studying in any credit (such as a unit or enrichment courses) unless he is admitted by another department.
  7. A student whose studies in one of the faculty departments has been permanently terminated, will not be entitled to renew studies or be re-admitted to that department. If s/he wishes to be admitted to another department in the Faculty, s/he will be required to undergo admissions procedures as a new candidate for the University.
  8. A student whose studies have been discontinued may take examinations in courses in which he / she has an available exam sitting, which s/he is entitled to sit for.


Termination of Studies at Student’s Initiative

General Guidelines - see University Introduction

A student who announces the termination of his / her studies in a department(s), ceases to be a student at the University during the period of cessation of studies, and is not allowed to take courses in any credit.

A student who announces termination of studies after the beginning of a semester will verify with the appropriate secretariats that his / her enrolment for the courses in that semester has been canceled. Cancellation of courses for a student who announced the cessation of studies will be carried out only until the end of the sixth week of the semester.

Files of students who halt their studies are kept by the University for a period of seven years only.

Renewal of Studies

Submission of the Application

A student who was in a period of suspension of studies, even if just for one semester, must submit a request for renewal of studies to the department / school secretariat. A Double-Major student will submit a request to each department separately. Renewal of studies is subject to a fee as set by the University. The request must be submitted via the “Renewal of Studies” form on the Faculty’s website.

The request must be submitted to the Department / School Secretariat about two months before the beginning of the semester, in which the student intends to renew his / her studies, and at the latest, one month prior to commencement.

A student whose studies have been permanently terminated for academic reasons, may not apply for renewal of studies in that department.

A student who has not reached the level of “Exempt” in Hebrew or English within one year of commencing his studies in the Faculty, is not entitled to renew his studies until completion of the abovementioned duty.

Please note that those who were accepted for studies but fail to complete studies in at least one semester (including examinations) are not eligible to renew their studies.


Weighting the Final Grade

The final grade is the student’s weighted grade in the courses included in his / her study program (grades in general duties such as English are not weighted by the final grade). Grades from other institutions are not included in the weighting.

If the student learns surplus courses over and above the requirements of the degree hourly quota, the grades in the courses with the highest achievements among the surplus courses will be calculated in the weighting process, while maintaining the quota of hours required for the degree as set forth in the course booklet. The courses that are not taken into consideration in the final grade, will remain in the framework of extra courses. A student who elects to take into consideration in the final grade courses with lower achievements (and transfer the extra courses in which his achievements were higher to the setting of extra courses) will request so in writing from the department’s secretariat when submitting the application for calculation of the final grade.

If the student has learned extra hours that are part of the course hours, the hours of the full course will be weighted.

In cases where the key for weighting the final grade in any unit is not specified, the weight of each course will be identical to the number of study hours.

Following are the Details of the Composition of the Undergraduate Degree in the Various Fields of Study:

Single-Major Studies:

With an expanded division

Departmental Studies – 70%

Extended Division Studies – 30%


With a regular division and an enrichment division or two regular divisions

Departmental Studies – 70% (for Psychology 80%)

Ordinary Division Studies 15% (for Psychology 10% for each division)

The Enrichment Division – 15% (for Psychology 10%).

The final final score will be rounded to an integer.

Dual-Major Studies:

The final grade will be weighted in each one of the departments. The scores will be rounded to integers.

In the final grade certificate, the final grade from each department will appear.


Degree Eligibility – Regulations

  1. A student who has completed all his degree duties must submit an application for approval of his / her eligibility for the degree. The certificate is not automatically granted, but only on the basis of the student’s petition. The student must submit the application for approval of the degree eligibility no later than by the end of one year from the completion date of the final duty.
  2. A student cannot appeal a grade in any course after submitting an application for approval of degree eligibility.
  3. A student who fails to submit an application for approval of degree eligibility within one year from the date on which he is entitled to it, may be subject to supplementary studies in accordance with the curriculum of the year in which he submits the application.
  4. An application for approval of degree eligibility must be submitted online at the “Personal Information for the Student” section.
  5. The application will be submitted only after receiving a grade for the last examination / paper, and after the student has checked that all grades have been properly entered. In submitting the application for eligibility, the student declares the accuracy of the academic transcripts.
  6. A grade cannot be improved after receiving a certificate of degree eligibility.
  7. Before approval of degree eligibility is granted, a thorough examination of the student file is carried out, which includes:
  • Examination that the department(s), and enrichment studies duties have been submitted.
  • Examination that general obligations (English, Hebrew) have been met.
  • Payment of fees and books have been returned to university libraries.
  1. In the certificate of eligibility, the following are detailed: The student’s department / s, the final grade, and the date of eligibility for the degree.
  2. The graduation ceremony for academic year 5779 will take place in June.
    Graduates wishing to participate in the ceremony must submit the applications for approval of degree eligibility no later than 15th March 2021.

Graduated with Honours and Summa Cum Laude


The criteria for receiving a final grade with honours and cum laude are determined annually.

Students who complete their studies in a Dual-Major study program, will be recorded as honours or cum laude on their certificate if they excelled in one or both of the departments. The honours or cum laude will be recorded in the certificate next to the appropriate department’s name.

Students who complete their studies in a Single-Major course of study, will be recorded as honours or cum laude on their certificate if their final grade, which also includes their grades in the divisions, meets the criteria for excellence set by the department.

A student who received an exemption from courses based on studies at another academic institution, worth more than 6 semester hours, will be awarded the degree with honours or summa cum laude only if his average grades at the other institution and at the Tel Aviv University meet the criteria for excellence.

For the attention of students who will receive their bachelor’s degree at the ceremony in June 2020: The criterion for honours and summa cum laude at the Faculty units are:




Summa Cum Laude




Labor studies



Political Science



Sociology and Anthropology










Master's degree

The conditions for awarding a degree with honours or summa cum laude will be a combination of the grade and the percentile.

For the attention of students who will receive their bachelor’s degree at the ceremony in June 2020: The criterion for honours and summa cum laude at the Faculty units are:


Honours [1]

Summa Cum Laude [1]

Diplomacy Studies



Security Studies



Public Policy



Political Science






Labor studies



Program for Conflict Management and Mediation



Sociology and Anthropology









Political Science in Political Communication



Immigration Studies



Political Science - Executive MA in Security and Diplomacy





The final list of honours and cum laude students will be determined shortly before the graduation ceremony according to the above grades, provided that the percentage of those who receive a master’s degree with honours in each of the departments will be up to 15%, and one third of whom, at the most, will receive a degree cum laude.


[1] The thesis grade must be equal to or higher than the general average for the degree, in order to graduate with honours or summa cum laude.